dm is a small tool for managing often-visited directories using a shell like bash.
I offer two new commands: dm is a manager for a small database, where you name directories with a short alias. And dmcd is a function for your current shell, which lets you go to a directory given its alias in the database.
$ dm 1 /tmp # Adds the id '1' for /tmp $ dm bla . # Adds the id 'bla' for the current dir $ dmcd 1 # Goes to /tmp $ dmcd bla # Goes to what was your current dir $ dm -d bla # Deletes the entry for 'bla'. $ dm # Shows your 'database' 1 /tmp $ dm -h # Shows help, and defines 'dmcd' for sh.
Download the latest version (GPL licensed): dm - v0.9 (The manual is in the header of the file). It's a script in bash - don't look for any special filename extension. Put the downloaded dm in your path.
Install the dmcd function. dm -h may give you a clue. For instance, for bash, add the following line into your .bashrc or .bash_profile (or any system wide script for each session):
function dmcd { dm -t $1 && cd `dm $1`; }Author: LluĂs Batlle i Rossell, viric_at_vicerveza_dot_homeunix_dot_net