These are some of the must-have utilities when dealing with ANY computer. Each program you can find here is in this site because I've needed it some times, and I've lost minutes or hours looking for it.
The next files aren't compressed. All of them are for using with MS-DOS.
Here you got most of the things I've needed while dealing with hard disk drives. I've mostly worked in MFM and IDE buses.
Nice tool, but it doesn't work in some old machines. Save it in your hard disk, put a blank 1.44Mb floppy in your floppy drive, and then run it. It will create a boot disk with Maxtor's MAXBLAST.
I used it to set up a non-IDE/MFM HD in a 8086 Commodore, and it worked perfectly! I also used it for booting HDs that aren't in the 1-46 table for being used in a bios without user-defined hd geometry. The best HD detection tool for old computers. It uses Caldera OpenDOS 7 boot. Image1
Nowadays it's hard to find operating systems installation disks, and those may help in booting old machines.
There two basic folders in my DOS directory structure, that are also included in the PATH environment variable. These are their contents.
Started 06/08/2001 / Updated 2003-09-17 01:30:38.000000000 +0200
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Viric's Web Site / Webmaster: viric / Started 03/08/2001 / Updated mié sep 17 01:30:41 CEST 2003